Boa noite (Good evening)! We are a GSE (Group Study Exchange) team chosen to go to the fabulous country of Brazil! We represent Rotary District 7570, and are completely stoked about this wonderful opportunity!!
Following up on our first ever post as GSE Team Brazil 7570, we would like to share an awesome weekend of team building! We spent all day Saturday getting to know one another and listening to our team leader, Russ Hauver, brief us on the experience that is: BRAZIL.
GSE Team Brazil 7570 took our bonding to a new level and participated in the annual Buffalo Throw after a super day of training. Hosted by Rotary Club of Marion, Va., our team was invited to a Buffalo Throw. Want to know what a Buffalo Throw is?
Can you say, "MEAT?" Wow! We definitely were treated well and much thanks needs to go to the Rotary Club of Marion, Va. The Buffalo Throw was a good experience for all of us and really helped GSE Team Brazil 7570 continue to get to know one another.
We have the best leader for our trip! Russ (the guy in cool shades) is very organized and has some AWESOME training planned for us! It is only fitting that Russ be the leader of our team, and we will strive to make him proud as we take our unique talents to Brazil for five weeks.
More to come, so keep in touch. As they say in Brazil: "Ate logo gente!"
GSE Team Brazil 7570
Go Team Brazil!!!