Team Brazil met in snowy Winchester, Virginia, February 12 & 13 for a team meeting. Look at our team picture posted here and you can get an idea of the amount of snow we encountered this weekend.
Since our last post we have received our first week’s TENTATIVE schedule. Receiving that has made us even more excited about this great opportunity. Our trip is less than 75 days away and it is getting more real to us every day.
We met for dinner at the Piccadelly’s Brew Pub for dinner on Friday night. Sandi Mabry, her husband Ron, and Michelle Harris joined us. Sandi was the team leader to Brazil in 2008 and Michelle was a team member. They shared their experiences with us and gave us a lot of pointers and in sights, especially in obtaining our Visas.
Friday night two members of the Frederick County Rotary Club hosted team member Chris and Team Leader Russ for the night. Thank yous go out to Joe Myer and Charles Daniels for their generous hospitality.
The team met on Saturday at the Daily Grind. We reviewed the zone training in Winston-Salem and all agreed it was definitely worth the trip and time spent. Other topics included required inoculations (typhoid, Hepatitis A & B, Tetanus-diphtheria, malaria), ideas for gifts for host families and the district governor (wait until you see what we have decided for this!!), team brochures and business cards, and the dreaded Visa procedures (it is difficult to get a Visa to Brazil – lots and lots of documentation required). A large part of the day was spent on presenting our ideas on presentations to the clubs and district conference in District 4590. We will be doing our presentations as a Power Point Presentation in Brazilian Portuguese.
We will have a team retreat March 5-7 in Marion and will be staying in a rented cabin. That weekend will be spent completing our presentations. Team leader Russ has even arranged to have a small audience to be our test group.
Ashley Chris
Jose Katie
Russ (Team Leader)
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