Monday, May 17, 2010

Our time in Araras

We were driven to Araras by Ednilson, Iran, and Stanley’s father. Upon arriving we were met by Edhinho, Betsy, Sirley and Garcia.

We visited a Sugar Cane and Ethanol Plant. The plant generates its own energy needs from the sugar cane and even sells surplus electric to the local power company. We toured the plant and saw how sugar cane and other sugar products are produced. We went into a couple of “clean” rooms and even Jose and I had to wear hairnets! Hard hats and safety glasses were required in all the factory.

Saturday morning we visited a local farmer’s market. The fruits and vegetables were larger than what we were used to in the states. We also saw many that we did not know.

The next stop was to visit a local theatre displaying works by Niemeyer. The theatre was built like a thermos – 2 thick walls separated by a narrow hallway. This was to keep the outside noise from interfering with performances.

After a short tour of the downtown area we went to Ashley’s host family’s “country home” where we enjoyed an afternoon of rest and relaxation. The home had beautiful landscaping and several flowers along with a swimming pool which we put our feet into.

Sunday we visited an aluminum plant where they re-melted the metal into sheets. The sheets were then sold to other factories.

While the girls headed to the country home the guys went to a car show on the town square. Brazilian car industry started in 1959. Any cars on display older than that were imports.

We attended our third Brazilian BBQ in the afternoon. This was attended by several Rotarians and their families. Lots and lots and lots of food was placed on a long table and then the meat was brought out!!!!

Monday was our last full day in Araras. We visited a technical training school and an environmental school. After lunch we visited our local coordinator’s house he is having built. In the evening we made a presentation at a meeting of three Rotary Clubs located in Araras. This will be our 6th presentation and the 9th Rotary meeting Russ has attended.

Tomorrow morning we will have a farewell breakfast at the Hotel Marques before traveling to our next city, São João da Boa Vista, which is located about 100 kilometers from here.

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