City of Limeira
Team Brazil with local television talk show
host, Reinaldo Basteilli - his show is seen
in 8 cities surrounding Limeira
We viewed ourselves on TV later that evening.
Another familiar face - Alda (on the right) was
the team leader for the Brazilian GSE Team
that came to the US. On the left is District
4590's district governor.
We visited this school which trained students
in several vocations including mechanical,
electrical, information systems, and auto
repairs. They flew the American flag this
day in our honor.
The school did not have an elevator so students
from several different lines of study designed
and built this lift to get from the 1st floor
to the 2nd floor. Here Katie and Russ
enjoy a ride up the stairs.
We visited the Batistella Ceramic Tile factory.
Here tiles are being processed.
This is from our farewell party the last
night in Limeira.
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